Our personality is what makes each and every one of us different and when you are in a relationship you should always be unapologetically ‘you.’ Your partner should love you for how you behave, no matter what, so you should never have to say sorry for what you do. Never apologise for being yourself, find someone who loves you for who you are and learn to love yourself too.
2. Wanting time alone
Time taken for yourself is important, it allows you to reflect and clear your head but you should never feel like you have to apologise for wanting it. Some of us feel guilty about taking time away from our partner and even our kids but it is important for our well being. Never say sorry for appreciating ‘you time’, simply make sure you plan it in regularly and allow your partner to take their own too.
3.Your goals and aspirations
We all have things we want in life, whether it’s to take a certain career path or to travel the world and when in a relationship these goals and aspirations should always be supported and encouraged, never apologised for. If you find yourself saying sorry for taking steps to achieve your dreams then find out why your partner opposes them and if they still expect you to apologise don’t change your dreams, change your relationship.
- Your family and friends
We don’t choose our family and our friends are the some of the most important people in our lives but if you feel the need to apologise to your partner about them then it’s definitely time to stop. In a relationship the people you love are shared out between you, their siblings become your siblings, your best friends become their best friends, so don’t let your partner ruin those relationships by making you feel like you must apologise for how your family and friends act, especially if they have done nothing wrong.
- How you look
We all have differing tastes and preferences when it comes to how we look, from the fashion we choose to our own weight and you should never feel the need to apologise for this. Your partner should want to be with you not just for how you look but how you make them feel and because you enrich their life. If you feel like you need to apologise due to your appearance or that you need to change yourself, take a step back and ask them why they chose you in the first place, if they cannot cope with change they might not be the right person for you.
Total honesty is something that many people cannot deal with, especially if the truth is going to impact them negatively, and they would simply prefer their lives to be sugar coated in order to avoid any hurt. It’s important that honesty plays a key role in a relationship and if you need to be honest about a situation do not apologise to those who would rather be lied to, if what you said was valid necessary.
- Your past
We’ve all made choices we regret in the past, it could be the amount of partners we have had or a decision that landed you in trouble with the law, but these things shouldn’t be brought up as a weapon in an argument when in a relationship, causing you to apologise for them repeatedly. Your past should remain where it belongs, in the past, and your partner should accept you for who you are. Their judgement should not be based on things you have done and a loving partner would not bring up events that no longer matter just to make you feel small and them triumphant. Never apologise for your past decisions if they no longer have an impact on your present.
- Your beliefs
Beliefs are important and are something each of us live by. Whether it’s our religion or our ethics when it comes to eating meat they shape who you are as a person and your partner should never make you feel like you have to apologise for them. In fact, if they do not share the same beliefs they should be trying to understand and embrace them for the sake of the relationship and your happiness and you the same. If you feel the need to apologise it is a good idea to re evaluate the situation you are in.